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College & Career Planing

College & Trade School

Campus Explorer: not sure what college to attend or what to major in? Let Campus Explorer help you decide. This database lists colleges from every state ranging from local community colleges to major universities. See what's the best fit for you.

LoneStar College: did you know that LoneStar College is the largest community college system in the state of Texas serving over 90,000 students each semester?  In addition to providing two and four year degrees, LSC offers many certifications in fields such as welding, automotive technology, machining, phlebotomy, ultrasound technician, cosmetology & more. Take the first step to learn more and apply here.  Also, make sure to check out their scholarship opportunities

White Elm Wellness Institute: Interested in massage therapy or facial and skin services? Check out the full-time and part-time programs available. 

Universal Technical Institute: interested in working with your hands? UTI offers 9 core programs and 3 specialized training opportunities. Get started here.

Tulsa Welding: Another popular option in our area for those wanting certifications in welding, electrical, hvac, or machining. Learn more and schedule a tour here.

Houston Area Trade Schools: while not a complete list, this is a great starting place to learn about a variety of trade schools in the Houston area.     

Financial Resources for College/Trade School

Free Application for Federal Student Aid: all students attending Texas public colleges must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA provides qualifying students financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, and on-campus work opportunities. Learn more about how to complete the form here

Scholarships: Learn more about local opportunities. 


Planning to go straight into the workforce? Learn more about what careers will be a good fit for you. 

My Next Move: use the interest profiler to match careers with the type of work you are interested in doing. It also provides a great opportunity to apply for jobs in our local area. 

What Career is Right for Me: another great resource to match your skills and interests to a future career. 


Interested in pursuing a career with our nation's armed forces? Learn more about the different branches here.  Local representatives may be contacted at the email below:

Marines - Donivan Garcia -

Navy - Johnnie Vitello -

Coast Guard- Josh Barlow -

Army - Frank Drago -

Texas Army National Guard - SGT Enrique Soto -

Air Force - SSgt Thomas Okemwa -